Deze opleiding

The MSc programme in Computer Science is built on the strengths and innovative power of our research groups

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typeregulier, 120 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur2 jaar voltijd
numerus fixusnee

The MSc programme in Computer Science has two tracks Data Science & Technology and Software Technology and the EIT Digital Master School programme ICT Innovation with specialisations in Visual Computing and Communication and Cloud Computing and Services. Besides that, the MSc programme in Computer Science offers three special programmes: 4TU Cyber Security Master, Bioinformatics and Information Architecture.


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1e jaar
Core Courses
25 EC
Specialisation and elective courses
35 EC
2e jaar
Specialisation and elective courses
15 EC
Thesis project afstuderen
45 EC


specialisatie Data Science & Technology Track

The richness and importance of the information conveyed by data has led to a rapid increase in the influence of data on individuals and society.

The richness and importance of the information conveyed by data has led to a rapid increase in the influence of data on individuals and society.

specialisatie Software Technology Track

Software technology has a major impact on the economies of industrialised countries.

Software technology has a major impact on the economies of industrialised countries.

specialisatie 4TU Cyber Security

The 4TU Cyber Security specialisation is part of the Master's programme Computer Science. It is a joint Master's specialisation offered by Delft University of Technology and the University of Twente.

Our society critically depends on cyber space for almost everything, including banking, transport & logistics, air travel, energy, telecommunications, flood defence, healthcare, email, social networks, and even warfare. The consequences of cyber security failures could be disastrous and the demand for cyber security specialists is therefore high and rising.

Cyber security is a multidisciplinary field with computer science at its core. For example, it involves cryptography, formal methods, secure software engineering, and machine learning. It also touches on a broad range of supporting disciplines, such as law, economics, criminology, management, and psychology.

As a student of the 4TU Cyber Security Master's specialisation, you can enroll in the Computer Science Master at Delft University of Technology or the University of Twente.

specialisatie Bioinformatics



specialisatie Information Architecture

The IA programme combines aspects from computer science and from management, and thus addresses the problem of concurrently designing and engineering enterprises and their supporting ICT applications.

The IA programme combines aspects from computer science and from management, and thus addresses the problem of concurrently designing and engineering enterprises and their supporting ICT applications.

specialisatie 4TU Cyber Security

The 4TU Cyber Security specialisation is part of the Master's programme Computer Science. It is a joint Master's specialisation offered by Delft University of Technology and the University of Twente.

The 4TU Cyber Security specialisation is part of the Master's programme Computer Science. It is a joint Master's specialisation offered by Delft University of Technology and the University of Twente.

specialisatie Artificial Intelligence Technology


taal van onderwijs100% en
group assignment, group discussion, individual assignment, lecture, literature study, oral presentation, practicum, project, self study, seminar, tutorial

Toelating en kosten






De stad


Christiaan Huygens
Christiaan Huygens (CH) is de studievereniging voor Wiskunde en Informatica studenten van de Technische Universiteit Delft.

aan het woord: studenten en docenten

Lennaert van den Brink
The Computer Science Master's programme offers many challenges, often in the form of interesting and engaging projects.

I am a Computer Science student at TU Delft. After finishing secondary school I chose to study computer science (Technische Informatica) at TU Delft. I enjoyed using the computer and playing games, but had no idea how a computer was able to do these things and I wanted to find that out.

After completing my Bachelor I chose to stay in Delft to do my master. It allowed me to continue my social activities at the student rowing club, but also because the university's programme offered a diverse and engaging set of courses...
For my graduation project, I worked on visualising gene expression in the human brain. This was a real challenge, because not only did it concern a huge dataset but I also had almost no knowledge of genomics or the brain in general. In order to make a good visualisation I had to gain a deep understanding of the data and had to figure out how specialists use this data to gain new insights.

The Computer Science Master's programme offers many challenges, often in the form of interesting and engaging projects. Getting your hands dirty on real assignments is the best way to master computer science and this programme gives you many opportunities to do so!"

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Daphne van Beek
Research in Bioinformatics is essential to realize the necessary breakthroughs within medicine & biotechnology

During my bachelor's degree in Life Science and Technology at the Delft University of Technology I was mainly interested in the subjects centered on processing biological data using computational methods.

Currently the amount of data that can be produced in the lab is huge, but processing this data is challenging and requires much more than just a spreadsheet. Modeling and analyzing these huge datasets generates new biological knowledge (such as new protein structures, functions and relationships)...
Realizing this, my choice for the master's program in Bioinformatics was made quickly. And, working with people with different backgrounds is challenging and fun! Currently I'm working with datasets of sequenced human genomes: trying to detect defects that may result in a disease. This is not only interesting, but also very important for society!

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Roland Dietz
afgestudeerd in 198 werkzaam als Chairman/Founder Focused Growth Partners, Inc en Commissaris
My time in Delft was really enjoyable in all aspects.

I started my study at EWI because I was attracted to biomedical engineering. Along the way I changed my emphasis to artificial intelligence: The application of Fuzzy sets to model human decision making. As a special project I got to work on an expert system to control the Oosterschelde storm surge barrier. My time in Delft was really enjoyable in all aspects...
I also serve as board director for CABI, with headquarters in the UK, and operations world-wide. My career has been broad and deep, working for Philips, Elsevier, Tulip Computers and running several software companies in the USA and the Netherlands. My specialty is on how to apply information as a strategic asset for companies, examples are: Customer Experience Management, Business model Innovation, Agile management and governance structures and the information technology dimension to enable all these key strategic business aspects. The most important project in my career was the transformation of Elsevier Science, the world's largest science publisher from a print to a digital business, building a $734M digital licensing franchise. My work in the board of CABI is to coach the CEO and C-team in their efforts to provide services to farmers and governments around the world in agriculture, biosciences and environmental sciences.

I am a dual citizen of the Netherlands and the USA, live in Scottsdale, Arizona on the West Coast of the USA and have business activities around the world. I also serve as an executive coach for the MBA students at the WP Carey school of Business at Arizona State University.

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Martijn Rentmeester
afgestudeerd in 2014 werkzaam als Consultant Analytics & Information Management bij Deloitte Consulting
Instead of using gut feeling we now know much better what is really going on looking at measured data and we can even predict or recommend things.

After graduating in August 2014 I joined Deloitte as a consultant in the field of Analytics & Information Management. During my study Computer Science in Delft I noticed that I liked the field of Data Science. Not only the math and algorithms in this field are beautiful, but also the dozens of applications...
Therefore I chose to join a consultancy firm. As a consultant in Analytics & Information Management I advise clients, mainly big corporates (like Philips, Achmea, Ziggo and PostNL), in the field of Data Science. The type of advice can be quite diverse. Sometimes I create a data analysis for a client, and thus program machine learning algorithms in languages like SQL, R or Python. But on other days I am creating (PowerPoint) presentations to consult the client about how they can apply Data Science in their working field to improve, for example, their marketing department. This wouldn't be possible if I don't understand how the different machine learning algorithms work. So in both ways, the knowledge gained during my studies helps me.

Another advantage of working for a company like Deloitte is that a lot of young people start their career in those kind of companies. Everyone is full of energy and new fresh ideas and willing to make the best out of their lives. This is really inspiring.

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Mark Zijdemans
afgestudeerd in 2013 werkzaam als co-founder / devops-manager / sometimes CTO bij Shopsuite B.V.
It provided me the organisational context I needed and gave me the opportunity to work on solving large scale problem using software solutions.

When I was about to start my bachelors, I had a hard time choosing a programme that suited me. As such, I decided to start a programme that was challenging to me and started Computer Science in Delft. When I finished my bachelor programme I attended the Information Architecture track of the Computer Science master at EEMCS...
Shopsuite is an e-commerce tool for online publishers, which enables them to create a storefront on their website and start selling products from high-end retailers. We are currently operating in the Netherlands and are working exclusively with high quality publishers, such as Sanoma (Libelle, Margriet) and Hearst (Elle, Harpers Bazaar, Cosmopolitan). At the beginning of 2017 we received funding and we are now scaling up.

When starting up this business I found out that I liked working on large enterprise architectures, however, I prefer working in a team that is small and autonomous. This is a direct result of my master track, where we worked in a similar way. At this point we are servicing the largest customers in our industry and whilst working with a very small team. As Shopsuite revolves around the software that enables our customer to engage in e-commerce, we are always looking for new people with a master in Information Architecture.

The master taught me how organisations work along with the needed skills to design software and infrastructure to create solutions for large scale problems. Most importantly, I learned how to communicate with non-technical management which can be very challenging. I now have a better understanding of what drives a business and which information needs to be presented to determine success. This learned me to translate business goals and targets into solutions we can provide or design.

My main advice in determining which master is right for you is simple; look back at the courses you have had so far and especially at the ones where you really enjoyed working on and where you ended up doing more than was required. These often are the courses that are related to a master track. For Information Architecture, this could be courses related to Software and Enterprise Architecture, Business Management and Information Retrieval for example.

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Veronika Cheplygina
afgestudeerd in 2010 werkzaam als Assistant professor in medical image analysis bij TU Eindhoven
My research and teaching is focused on using machine learning algorithms to recognize patterns of illness in medical scans.

I'm an assistant professor in medical image analysis at TU Eindhoven. My research and teaching is focused on using machine learning algorithms to recognize patterns of illness in medical scans. One of the projects I'm working on is recognizing the lung disease COPD – the third major cause of death worldwide – in chest CT scans. This is challenging because although a lot of scans are available, it is time-consuming for experts to annotate them, which hurts the performance of the algorithms. Therefore I'm studying how to improve predictions with only a limited amount of annotated data...
I enjoyed these subjects so much that I did my graduation project in this field, working on automatic sorting of post office parcels at a company called Prime Vision. I was also enjoying my time in Delft in general, being active in the mathematics & computer science student society `Christiaan Huygens' and the student soccer club Ariston'80.

After graduation I decided to pursue a PhD in machine learning at TU Delft. I had an amazing time, challenging myself to work on difficult problems while collaborating with many excellent people who became my friends in the process. I had the chance to work with researchers from all over the world, presenting my research in Europe, US, Japan and China. I think some students have a negative view of doing a PhD because it's “lonely” but this just depends on what you make of it yourself. I felt in charge of my PhD project and sought out activities (such as collaborative projects and organizing conferences) which complemented my research AND my personality. My advice to students would therefore be not to have a fixed mindset about what different careers entail, but to try it out for yourself, for example through open days and internships.

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Marcel Reinders
I develop novel algorithms to analyse such data, by making use of machine learning methodologies, or graph-based algorithms.

I am professor in Bioinformatics and I am fascinated by the interplay between computer science and life sciences. With the ability to decipher genomes, the role of computations is revolutionizing life science. This science of the 21th century will play a crucial role in solving the great challenges that humanity is facing. Already, important breakthroughs have been realized in understanding diseases, improvements in food production, or production of complex chemicals...
To do so, my lab has an excellent computing infrastructure with ultra-fast connections to the (inter)national high-performance computing environment.

Our bioinformatics students work in inter-disciplinary teams. For example, a recent student closely collaborated with clinical geneticists. He developed new computational tools to detect trisonomies (three copies of a chromosome instead of two) in unborn children by testing maternal blood. The results are now being implemented as part of a novel and much safer screening technology for pregnant women.

Because of their strong technical background, and their ability to cooperate in complex settings, our students are very popular in the job market. The shortage of bioinformaticians makes them most welcome in research and industrial positions both in and outside the Netherlands. Come and join us in our endeavour of this new thrilling science!

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1/13 TU Delft
Computer Science
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
2/13 TU Delft
Data Science & Technology
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
3/13 TU Delft
EIT Master ICT innovation
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
4/13 TU Delft
Software Technology
€ 312 gemiddelde kamerhuur
72 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
5/13 Universiteit Leiden
Advanced Computing and Systems
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
6/13 Universiteit Leiden
Computer Science
star Keuzegids topopleiding 2018  1e  78
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
22 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
7/13 Universiteit Leiden
Computer Science and Education
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
22 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
8/13 Universiteit Leiden
Artificial Intelligence
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
9/13 Universiteit Leiden
Foundations of Computing
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
10/13 Universiteit Leiden
Data Science
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
11/13 Universiteit Leiden
Computer Science and Science Communication and Society
star Keuzegids topopleiding 2018  1e  78
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
22 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
12/13 Universiteit Leiden
star Keuzegids topopleiding 2018  1e  78
€ 350 gemiddelde kamerhuur
22 eerstejaars
36% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
13/13 Universiteit Twente
Computer Science
€ 250 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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aansluitende masteropleidingen

TU EindhovenEIT Data Science+ aanv. eisen
TU EindhovenLeraar VHO Informatica educational
TU DelftLeraar VHO Informatica educational

Potentiële beroepen

adviseur interne controle en beveiliging informatievoorziening
architect technische infrastructuur ict
beleidsmedewerker ict
chief information officer
datawarehouse ontwikkelaar
hoofd beheer ict
hoofd systeemontwikkeling ict
hoogleraar informatica
informatiemanager ict
manager servicedesk ict
projectleider ict
servicemanager ict
universitair (hoofd)docent informatica
validatie engineer
wetenschappelijk onderzoeker informatica
bron: UWV


General Information Office Eemcs
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