Deze opleiding

In this Master's programme, you specialise in one of three domains that encompass urgent social issues and are the subject to academic debate.

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typeregulier, 60 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig English
opleidingsduur12 maanden voltijd
numerus fixusnee

During the Master's programme in Anthropology and Development studies, you dive into the processes that play a role in social transformation related to diversity and inequality in complex and diverse worlds. You develop into a thorough researcher who knows how to optimize the impact of research findings. The programme has a unique interdisciplinary approach and allows you to specialise in one of three urgent research domains. These domains help you understand and frame not only your research field, but also the world around you. In the first semester, you choose and design your research project fitting in one of three specialisations:

- Decolonising diversity in a polarised world.

- Ecological livelihoods and environmental justice

- Grassroots initiatives, development and the state

Master Anthropology and Development Studies

Waarom aan de Radboud Universiteit?

awardKeuzegids beste opleiding
2016 : 1e plaats, 2017 : 1e plaats
The relation between research and 'the field' is a key element of this programme. You will develop a critical reflective attitude towards social issues and debates, making your findings available and understandable for interested parties. In addition, the Department of ADS has a wide network of international contacts stretching from China to Bolivia and from South Africa to Indonesia and the Pacific. You'll have plenty of opportunities to arrange a research position that meets your interests.
  • This programme offers a unique mix of Anthropology and Development studies.
  • You specialise in one of three domains that include urgent social issues which are subject to intense academic debate.
  • The relation between the research and ‘the field’ is a key element of this programme. This is expressed in a strong focus on developing a critical reflective attitude towards social issues and debates, making your findings understandable for interested parties.
  • You develop a unique set of skills that prepares you for a wide array of jobs: from policy officer in the public sector or at aid organisations to consultant for local businesses.
  • Teaching takes place in a stimulating, collegial setting with small groups. You’ll get plenty of one-on-one time with your thesis supervisors.
  • You may choose to go abroad for field research connected to your Master's thesis.
  • The Department of Anthropology and Development Studies has a wide network of international contacts stretching from China to Bolivia and from South Africa to Indonesia and the Pacific. This means you’ll have plenty of opportunities to arrange a research position that meets your interests.
  • Radboud University offers a unique one-year Advanced Master in International Development (AMID) which you can apply for after completing your Master's degree.


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opbouwThe Master's programme in Anthropology and Development Studies is taught at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It has a course load of 60 EC (one-year).
The Master's programme in Anthropology and Development Studies is taught at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It has a course load of 60 EC* (one-year).
Decolonising diversity in a polarised world (choose from 1 out of 3) keuzevak
6 EC
Ecological livelihoods and environmental justice (choose from 1 out of 3) keuzevak
6 EC
Grassroots initiatives, development and the state (choose from 1 out of 3) keuzevak
6 EC
Contemporary theory of societies and change
6 EC
Advanced research Methods
6 EC
Research design
9 EC
Field Research onderzoek
15 EC
Master Thesis afstuderen
15 EC
Reflecting and Reporting
3 EC


taal van onderwijs100% en
lecture, literature study, research, research project, research proposal, seminar, tutorial
- This unique interdisciplinary Master's programme allows you to specialise in one of three 'hot' domains that encompass urgent social issues and are subject to intense academic debate.
- Our small scale programme offers an intensive learning environment where you work closely with your peers and our expert staff.
- By learning to design and conduct your own research, and communicate your findings to various audiences, you develop a skills set that prepares you for a wide array of jobs.

Toelating en kosten


Applicants who have a Bachelor's degree in Development Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Non-Western Sociology have direct access to the programme.
Applicants who have a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, Communication Science, or Development Economics, Social Geography, History, Political Science (including a research component and with a minor in development studies related subjects) or Regional Studies are not admitted straight away. They first need to follow a special transition programme (Pre-Master's programme in Dutch) of 30 ECTS to improve their knowledge of the scientific field before they can gain admission to a Master's programme.
Applicants who have a bachelor's degree in another subject need to follow a special transition programme (Pre-Master's programme in Dutch) of at least 60 ECTS to improve their knowledge of the scientific field before they can gain admission to a Master's programme.

studie kosten
bron: Radboud Universiteit
bedrag kostenpost
€ 300.00visa/permitper jaar
inbegrepen in collegegeld
registration fee

De stad


studievereniging Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingsstudies

Na de studie

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After completing your Master's you will have the option of doing the Advanced Master in International Development (AMID). This one-year postgraduate programme,is unique in the Netherlands. During this programme, you will combine real-life work at an aid organisation or a government department with practice-based instruction at the university.

Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

Studying Anthropology and Development Studies constitutes excellent preparation for a wide range of jobs. You are not limited to becoming an aid worker, but will be trained for research and policy-making jobs. Many of our students therefore find work in the public sector or at international organisations, but also in education. After studying Anthropology and Development Studies at Radboud University, you will have a broad array of options on the job market.
Graduates in Anthropology and Development Studies are employed as researchers at universities or research institutes, as journalists, government employees, or managers of NGO's. They are also involved in policy-making on the integration of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Finally, graduates can become teachers in civics, world orientation, geography or social studies in secondary education and vocational training institutions.

They could also be employed as researcher at universities, work for Civil Society Organisations, governments and multilateral institutions, such as the UN or the EU. They are usually involved in policy-making on the integration of ethnical minorities, refugees and asylum seekers. Finally, graduates can become teachers in Geography or Social Studies in secondary education and vocational training institutions.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

Amsterdam UVALerarenopleiding Maatschappijleer educationalgeen aanvullende eisen
Amsterdam UVALerarenopleiding Maatschappijleer part-time educationalgeen aanvullende eisen

Potentiële beroepen

advisor at aid, welfare and civil society organisations
advisor for local government
journalist or communication officer
policy officer for the central and local government
researcher at a university or ngo
researcher for non-profit organisations
social studies teacher in secondary, tertiary or vocational education
bron: StudieData


T: 024-3612345
Irene Nelissen
Meer informatie?
Bezoek de website van deze opleiding.

open_in_newstudy website