31 resultaten

UUEarth Surface and Water Vollzeit Utrecht
UUMolecular and Cellular Life Sciences Vollzeit Utrecht
Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences focuses on understanding molecular-level cellular function and rests at the crossroads of chemical, biological, physical and computational science.
UUScience and Business Management Vollzeit Utrecht
Management is designed to acquire scientific knowledge and skills, together with the ability to translate a scientific idea into a successful product.
UURegenerative Medicine and Technology Vollzeit Utrecht
The new Master's programme aims to educate the next generation of scientists and engineers to innovate at the intersection of biomedical science, technology and clinical applications.
UUInfection and Immunity Vollzeit Utrecht
The Master's in Immunity and Infection gives you the opportunity to gain profound knowledge of fundamental and translational immunology through a multidisciplinary research approach.
UUExperimental Physics Vollzeit Utrecht
Particle physics deals with the building blocks of matter and the forces between them. The programme offers courses on all aspects of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, including Nuclear Physics.
UUEnvironmental Biology Vollzeit Utrecht
Interactions between plants, fungi and the environment from an evolutionary and historical perspective, with organisational levels ranging from genes to ecosystems, are explored in this programme.
UUClimate Physics Vollzeit Utrecht
Climate-related research is highly relevant for society, scientifically interesting and challenging. Human-induced global climate change has grown into a sense of urgency over the last decades.
UUEarth, Life and Climate Vollzeit Utrecht
UUDrug Innovation Vollzeit Utrecht
The Master's in Drug Innovation focuses on interdisciplinary research in the field of innovation and usage of drugs, biologicals (such as vaccines and gene therapeutics)and diagnostics.
UUToxicology and Environmental Health Vollzeit Utrecht
In the Master's in Toxicology and Environmental Health you gain knowledge and skills in the recognition and evaluation of human or animal exposure to potentially hazardous factors in the environment.
UUBusiness Informatics Vollzeit Utrecht
Within the information and computer science, theories, methods and techniques of the business and organisational domain are combined in this programme, related to current needs in the ICT field.
UUEnergy Science Vollzeit Utrecht
UUHistory and Philosophy of Science Vollzeit Utrecht
The Master's programme in History and Philosophy of Science offers a unique opportunity to study the foundations, practice and culture of science from historical and philosophical dimensions.
UUTheoretical Physics Vollzeit Utrecht
Theoretical physics is an international and highly competitive field. For several decades, Utrecht University's Institute for Theoretical Physics has been on the forefront of research in this area.
UUGame and Media Technology Vollzeit Utrecht
This Master's programme concentrates on the technological aspects of gaming and multimedia in the context of computer science, with a unique thematic focus for research-minded students.
UUNanomaterials Science Vollzeit Utrecht
The combined talents and expertise of physicists and chemists are the key to success in the field of condensed matter and nanomaterials science, which is the focus of this programme.
UUEpidemiology Vollzeit Utrecht
UUBiologie Vollzeit Utrecht
Warum lausen sich Affen? Wie wirkt sich der Treibhauseffekt auf die biologische Vielfalt isländischer Torfmoore aus? Mit Fragen und Antworten wie diesen beschäftigt sich das Studium der Biologie.
UUBiology of Disease Vollzeit Utrecht
The Master's in Biology of Disease focuses on the translation of disease into a scientifically secure experiment/model, in order to study its underlying mechanisms and reveal potential therapies.
UUCancer, Stem Cells and Developmental Biology Vollzeit Utrecht
The Master's in Cancer Genomics and Developmental Biology guides you in exploring the mysteries of embryonic growth, stem cells, evolution and development in relation to health and disease.
UUChemie Vollzeit Utrecht
Moleküle stellen die Grundlage für das Leben und unsere Gesundheit dar. Als Chemiker sind Sie Experte auf molekularer Ebene mit entsprechenden beruflichen Perspektiven.
UUCollege of Pharmaceutical Sciences Vollzeit Utrecht
This is a unique international BSc programme in drug innovation. You will learn about developing innovative drugs, especially for diseases of the central nervous system and the immune system.
UUComputing Science Vollzeit Utrecht
Students will be provided with a strong foundation in the concepts, analysis techniques, and design methods underlying the development of modern information and software systems.
UUEarth Structure and Dynamics Vollzeit Utrecht
UUEconomics and Business Economics Vollzeit Utrecht
Wie erklären sich die Differenzen im Wirtschaftswachstum verschiedener Länder? Lassen sich Rezessionen vermeiden? Wie funktionieren Güter-, Finanz- und Arbeitsmärkte?
UULehramt Grundschule Vollzeit Utrecht
UUMarine Sciences Vollzeit Utrecht
Marine Sciences studies how marine systems and processes operate naturally and how they change through human intervention.
UUMathematical Sciences Vollzeit Utrecht
Mathematics is the science of structures, including mathematics itself. Discovery of new patterns and relations, and the construction of models with predictive power are the core of mathematics.
UUPharmazie Vollzeit Utrecht
Das Studium Pharmazie vermittelt die Grundlagen des Apothekerberufs. Sie lernen als Experte für Arzneimittel aufzutreten, der im Gesundheitswesen eine aktive Rolle spielt.
UUScience Education and Communication Vollzeit Utrecht
If you are broadly interested in science, and feel an urge to understand the social significance of your field of expertise, then it is worth looking at the details of this programme.